Coronavirus Live Updates:
भारत ने आज 208,921 ताजा कोविड -19 संक्रमण की सूचना दी, जो केसलोएड टैली को 27,157,795 तक ले गया। मरने वालों की संख्या 311,388 है। कोरोना से जुड़ी खबरों के लिए बने रहें|
कोरोनावायरस लाइव अपडेट: 41 दिनों में पहली बार 200,000 से कम ताजा कोविड मामले दर्ज करने के एक दिन बाद, बुधवार को भारत का नया संक्रमण फिर से बढ़कर 208,921 हो गया। बीमारी से होने वाली मौतों में 4,157 की वृद्धि हुई। MoHFW के अनुसार, देश के कुल मामले अब 27,157,795 हैं, जबकि कुल मृत्यु 311,388 है। रिकवरी रेट बढ़कर 89.66% हो गया।
in the last 24 hours
Tamil Nadu leads the state's list with 34,285 cases. This is followed by 29,803 new infections in Kerala. 24,136 cases were reported in Maharashtra. Karnataka 22,758 cases and Andhra Pradesh 15,284 cases. The case count for West Bengal stood at 17005. The six states most affected by the total cases are Maharashtra (5,602,019), Karnataka (2,450,215), Kerala (2,365,787), Tamil Nadu (1,877,211), Uttar Pradesh (1,673,785) and Andhra Pradesh (1,593,821).
World Coronavirus Updates: Coronavirus cases are increasing unabated across the world with 167,506,335 infected with the deadly contagion. While 148,581,009 have been cured, 3,477,774 have died so far. The US continues to be the worst-affected country with 33,896,035, followed by India, Brazil, France and Turkey. However, in the last seven days, India has added the highest number of 1,845,781 new cases, followed by Brazil (456,826) and Argentina (223,748).
The demand for door-to-door immunization has increased in private hospitals with housing societies and corporate offices, with requests to organize vaccination camps.
Hospitals were flooded with these inquiries
Hospitals flooded with these inquiries - driven by a desire to avoid hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic and difficulties in booking appointments online - are taking limited requests due to the erratic supply of vaccine doses. Mumbai-based Hinduja Hospital said it has been approached by 100 corporate houses and housing societies