Bollywood Actor Jackie Shroff’s daughter, Krishna Shroff, made her display debut with the song video Kinni Kinni Vaari that celebrates womanhood. The video used to be launched on Thursday, June 1. Jannat Zubair, Nagma Mirajkar, and comic Jamie Lever, Raj Shoker, and Tanvi Geetha Ravishankar are additionally a section of it.
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Krishna introduced the launch of the track video on Instagram. We need to say Krishna’s sass recreation is on point. She is viewed carrying an all-black outfit. The video has clocked greater than 82,000 views on the social media platform. Krishna’s followers and pals have made a bee-line to the remark container to categorize their excitement. One of the first remarks got here from none different than actress Disha Patani. Giving her approval to the clip, the actress wrote, “Wohoo killing it, Krishna.” She brought a few purple hearts and clap emojis to her comment. Joining her was once sister Khushboo Patani who located the tune video “superb”.
Produced by: Gaurav Wadhwa
An EO2 EXP production
Executive Producers: Avantika Gupta, Shambhavi Singh for Big Bang Music
Audio Credits:
Singer: Raashi Sood
Lyrics: Diljot Mavi
Composition: Diljot Mavi, Raashi Sood, UpsideDown, ICONYK
Production: ICONYK, UpsideDown
Video Credits:
Executive Producers: Risheeta Agrawal, Rishabh Agrawal
Director: Aneesh Malankar
Producer: Farzeen Khan
Creative producer: Mandira Sharma
DoP: Jitendra Borhade
Production Designer: Vanya Vaishnavi
Stylist: Divya Saini
Hair and Make up: Neha Parmar
Choreography: Dhanraj Panchal
1st AC: Karan Deshmukh
Assistant Director: Drishti Shah
Focus Puller: Manoj Gupta
Gaffer: Wasim
Head of Production: Karpuswamy
Offline Edit: Aneesh Malankar, Jayant Kaushik
Online Edit: Vinod Ravindranathan
Colourist: Tapasvi Asija
Lockfeed Partner: Glance
Special Thanks to: Janak Bhanushali @HiFi Digital & Gautam Madhavan @ Mad Influence
Digital Promotion: Net Media
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A submit shared with the aid of Krishna Jackie Shroff (@kishushroff)
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Later in the day, Krishna’s mom Ayesha Shroff additionally shared an grasp put up on her Instagram timeline. The proud mama wrote, “ What a kickass concept. And take a look at out these women…My fantastic child is simply one.” And Krishna was once speedy to drop her reply and it goes like this, “I received it from my mamaaa.”
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A submit shared by way of Ayesha Shroff (@ayeshashroff)
Created by means of UpsideDown and ICONYK, the music is sung by way of Raashi Sood and is directed by using Aneesh Malankar.
Earlier speakme about the track video, Krishna had stated it used to be a best idea for her to be a section of and make her display screen debut. In a press statement, Krishna had stated she cherished working with anyone who confirmed their strengths in a special way via this track.
Raashi too maintained that she favored the thought due to the fact she acquired a “chance to express” how girls sense in “relationships”. She had stated the whole group had labored from more than a few areas all through the lockdown that used to be imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic